If you don’t visit the University very often, you aren’t aware of the crazy construction they have going on (with Trax and who knows what else). You never know what roads you can take or where you can park. It’s quite annoying. Anyway. Today I parked at the stadium during my math class (like I always do) and when I got in my car after class I saw a ticket on the car in front of me. I thought to myself that’s too bad and then I saw a ticket on my windshield!!!
The parking nazi’s came and gave me a ticket! How dare they give me a ticket, I can’t afford another one! (I received my first ticket a couple weeks ago…I think the parking nazi’s are after me.) Anyway. I accidently parked in the A section of the stadium. I didn’t see a sign that said it was A parking so I decided to appeal the ticket.
They don’t have a sign, I shouldn’t have to pay. Right?
I drove down to the commuter services building and said I need to talk to someone about this ticket (as I waved it in their face). They asked me to fill out a form and wait. A few minutes later I met with a Parking Nazi Officer and I told him my story. He looked at my record and said since you have a pretty clean record, I’ll take care of it for you. I smiled and said thank you and he said make sure you pay close attention next time or ride your bike.
Ride my bike? Are you kidding me?