Hello There

Welcome to the future of JoeyDay.com. Does everyone have their hard hat on? This prototype will most likely go through several revisions before it becomes “live”, but it should at least look something like this when it’s finished. The good thing is I’m re-engineering the whole site with PHP and XHTML 1.0 Strict. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, I will just say that PHP and XHTML will make the site extremely easy to update, which means I will have more time for other things (Janene will appreciate this).

The biggest reason I’m letting you all see this is to let you know that I haven’t simply dropped off the face of the earth. I have been a bit busy what with school and getting FellowSites (a not-for-profit web-hosting fellowship founded by my brother-in-law and I) up and running.

Current plans for the site (as indicated above) include combining my personal journal and our group blog, The Forum, into a single entity (with a new name?). My opinion is that both of them were getting stagnant, and hopefully combining them will revitalize the site. Let me know what you think about this. Maybe you think they should stay separated? I don’t know. Email me.