I have the most anal-retentive professor in my Survey of Jazz class. We had an exam today and he had so many stupid rules. Rule number one was no talking, which is fine except that he talked through the entire exam just explaining (and repeating) all of his asinine rules.
First, he made us all sit at the front of the room. He pointed out every empty seat and made people come up to the front. He kept asking people if they were left-handed, and then he would make them sit on the one side of the room (I guess there are several lefty desks on that side or something?).
He then announced that since the class time goes until 3:20pm, we were all obligated to stay until that time whether we finished early or not!
We used scantrons, and he repeated no less than ten times that he didn’t want people asking him if the machine would be able to read a bubble that had been erased (as if we haven’t used scantrons since elementary school). No one was asking him that, so I have no idea why he had to make such a big deal out of it. As he was handing out the exams and the scantrons, he wouldn’t give any of us a scantron until we had written our name, section, and the date on the exam itself.
After the first listening portion of the test he announced that the second listening portion would start at 5 minutes to the hour. He then said, I realize a lot of you use digital clocks, so I should point out that on this analog clock [pointing to a clock on the wall] when the big hand gets to the 11 that’s five minutes to the hour.
When the class time was over he dismissed us row by row and made us walk to the front single-file to turn in our exams. :eek