Anybody wishing they had a “Gmail”:http://www.gmail.com account? If so, let me know. I’ve got 6 invites. I’m not sure why I have them, considering the fact that I haven’t even been using my account, but whatever.
Shoot me an “email”:http://joeyday.com/contact and I’ll shoot you back an invite (on a first come first served basis of course).
If nobody wants ’em within a month, I’ll probably send ’em to the “Gmail Invite Spooler”:http://isnoop.net/gmailomatic.php or to RobinMonks’ “Gmail Project”:http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=blog/8 in support of Firefox.
Edit Jan. 17, 2005: Google gave me more invites. I’m up to 10 now. I’ll be glad to give them to whoever wants ’em.
Edit Mar. 16, 2005: Now Google has given me (and lots of other people, apparently) 50 invites. Looks like they’re gearing up to leave beta.