Tech Recap

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and many important things have happened in the tech world.

First off, “Thunderbird 1.0”: has been released. I haven’t noticed much in the way of new features since 0.7, but it seems to be extremely stable and sports a stylish new default theme (although that may have debuted in version 0.9, which I somehow completely skipped over).

In other [Mozilla] news, the “New York Times Firefox 1.0 ad is finally finished”: It should appear in the paper during the next week or so. I’ll definitely be picking me up a copy.

I may be the last one on the planet to have done so, but I discovered the [Google Blog] the other day. Unlike so many others on the web, I’m not even going to mention the new “Google Suggest”: — wait, did I just mention it? Oh, well. Incidentally, my “Google Suggest number”: is 7.0.1.

In other [Google] news, “Froogle”: now lets users set up a shopping list and a public wish list. This is great for those random items [Amazon] doesn’t carry. If you’re thinking about getting me something for Christmas, be sure to check my new “Froogle wish list”: