Testimony at SLTS

I had the great privilege of sharing my testimony with a group of Christian students from California last night up at [Salt Lake Theological Seminary]. I was invited by Blair Lerner, a recruiter from the seminary who I came in contact with only a few weeks ago.

The students (about 15 in the group) came from “Azusa Pacific University”:http://www.apu.edu/ on a mission trip to learn about Latter-day Saint culture. Their trip began a few days ago in Manti, Utah, meeting with a fledgeling Christian Bible study group there and doing a few service projects. Before our meeting yesterday they had toured temple square, and sometime today they will be meeting with BYU professor Bob Millet and several BYU students to ask questions and discuss various aspects of Mormonism.

I can honestly say I’ve never met a finer group of college students. These were not Bible-thumping kids with anti-Mormon agendas, but honest, concerned Christians really wanting to reach out to the LDS people in a positive way. I hope and pray they’ll have many opportunities to do so while they’re in town and after they return home later this week.

I’ve been wanting to post my testimony here for a while now, but every time I sit down to write it up I can never figure out where to start. I had Blair videotape my talk last night so I can simply transcribe it. I intend to use that only as a rough draft, so it may be some time yet before I actually post a final version here. Look for a new “testimony” tab across the top of this blog sometime this summer.