New Categories

I’m going to start filing posts under a couple of new category systems, the “five solas”: and the “doctrines of grace”: I don’t think all my posts will fit under these categories, but the empty categories will help me brainstorm new topics and I think these will serve as positive ways to organize my thoughts.

The Five Solas

The five solas are five principles that sum up the doctrines of the reformation. They are:

* “Sola scriptura”: — scripture alone
* “Solus Christus”: — Christ alone
* “Sola gratia”: — grace alone
* “Sola fide”: — faith alone
* “Soli Deo gloria”: — glory to God alone

For more information, see the Wikipedia entry for “five solas”:

The Doctrines of Grace

The doctrines of grace are probably more popularly known as the five points of Calvinism. They are:

* “Total depravity”:
* “Unconditional election”:
* “Limited atonement”:
* “Irresistable grace”:
* “Perseverance of the Saints”:

To learn more, visit the Wikipedia entry for “the five points of Calvinism”: