New Honda Commercial

For some reason, I’ve really been tuning into commercials lately…

Have you seen the new Honda commercial? This guy is walking along the beach staring at all the ladies in bikinis (the women are kindof blurred out so the guy is the main focus). As he’s walking along he’s not paying attention to where he’s going, and he bumps into a new Honda. I can’t remember if it’s a new Accord or Civic, but it’s a pretty nice looking car.

As soon as he realizes what he’s bumped into, he begins staring at the car as he walks around it. When he gets around the car he starts walking backwards, still staring at it. Then he bumps into a woman in a bikini.

Though this commercial still involves bikini-clad women, it doesn’t promote sex like the AOL commercial I critiqued last week. This one was done in a much more tasteful manner. I think it’s pretty funny.